Snow fun…


Once the driveway was cleared, S still had the energy to build a snowmanI thought I would have the energy to participate, but my chest was pounding and my eyes were pulsating and I thought I might be having a heart attack.  I wasn’t, of course, but it took an hour for me to stop freaking out.

It wasn’t good snowman making snow.  Too dry.  So S took a bucket of water outside to help her mould the snow into form.  She also found that using her bare handshelped too.  So, yeah, I when I stopped freaking out about my faux heart attack, I started freaking out that S would get frost bite.  She stayed outside building him until dark, not  unlike a six year old.

The snowman is two faced.  She wanted the people from the street to be able to appreciate him as well as us having a nice view of him from our front window.  Adorable, she is.  And a little crazy.

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